Anchorage Painting Service Costs & Prices
Anchorage, Alaska. The Anchorage Painting Service Cost Report is a concise report on everything you need to know about the cost of painting service in the Anchorage area.
Average Painting Service Cost in Anchorage
We have done a little research to find the average cost of painting service in Anchorage. Here are the average costs and prices reported back to us:
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Anchorage Painting Service Cost Data
Professionals in the Anchorage area have provided information about how much painting service cost(s). Here are some of the individual reports:
99504, Anchorage, Alaska - August 29, 2020
Commercial Exterior Painting$30.00 to $60.00 per hour $0.33 to $0.66 per square foot Our philosophy is if our clients trust us with the care of their homes, we trust that they will pay us fairly and promptly for work that we complete to their satisfaction.
Reported by: Max Lamoureaux, Maintenance Max |
Anchorage Painting Contractors
Maintenance Max 7505 Boundary Ave, Spc 61, Anchorage, AK 907-444-1323
Bultrons Custom Coatings LLC Lucille, Wasilla, AK 907-841-7634
Simeon's Painting Service's 3240 penland prky sp 300, Anchorage, AK 907-782-5423
Disclaimer: Costs and prices shown on the ProMatcher site are intended to be used as general information, not as guaranteed estimates. To obtain cost information relevant to your project, request a quote or estimate from a local service provider.